2.3. Company & Management

2.3.3. Personnel Planning

The successful development of a company needs efficient and motivated employees. Human resource planning must define with which specialists and managers the business idea is to be implemented. In the case of a start-up, the founder will often be the only employee and managing director. In the case of a small or medium-sized enterprise, systematic human resource planning is necessary, especially when the company is growing in the market and can hire new employees.

The business plan should show which skilled workers and managers are needed to provide the services. Job descriptions can help to characterise the task profile. This can also be used to decide how the employment contract will be structured and how to ensure optimal utilisation of the business organisation.

Mistakes are often made in human resource planning. They start with misjudging the importance of staff.

The right structure of the staff composition is decisive for the success of the service provision. Every company needs certain employees:

  • at different levels of the company hierarchy (e.g., management, department, group, processing, production) - managers,
  • with different professional and formal qualifications (e.g., vocational training, academic education and training, experience abroad, semi-skilled work, etc.) - skilled workers, unskilled workers,
  • with different competences (e.g., with direct customer contact, with personnel responsibility, with representation duties). Especiallyto customer orientation, personal and social competences

From a business point of view, hiring an employee is an investment in the company's know-how. In this sense, investments are not only made in tangible assets or machines, but also in equipping a workplace. The expansion of workplaces costs money and is an investment. It is indispensable to build up a company.

Operational investments in machinery or equipment can turn out to be bad investments without suitable employees who can use them effectively.