2.2.2. Search for Business Ideas

There is no patent recipe for how an entrepreneur finds a business idea. Success is determined to a large extent

  • The personal commitment which the founder tackles and drives forward a business plan. This commitment develops out of the individual motivation to become self-employed.
  • by the quality of the business idea with which the founder wants to earn money and succeed Even if every founder does his best with the business idea, the quality and success are defined by the customers. They decide for which customer benefit they are willing to pay money - or not to pay. Not every interesting business idea finds enough customers in the market.


Looking for a business idea seems easy in the age of the Internet. Anyone who enters appropriate search terms there is inundated with business ideas. The promises of the providers of business ideas are breath taking. No founder should fall for such advertising slogans, they are not infrequently dubious.

For the elaboration of a business idea and the development of the service description, it can be helpful to create personal network. The quality of a business plan stands and falls with insider knowledge of the market in which the company will operate. Attending regular entrepreneurs' tables and other events for founders is helpful. In addition, offers are made by the chambers of commerce, municipal economic development agencies, consumer, and trade fairs and business incubators and technology centres. These are generally good addresses for making contacts.